The real experiences of a thirty-something girl and a brutal look at dating, depression, social observations and the society around her.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I Will Not Be ...

I haven't posted here in a while, because a) I just haven't had time and b) things have been decent. I say decent because I've been just trying to accept certain things:

- I will not be the girl in the bar a guy hits on.
- I will not be the person who has a ton of friend to call up and do things with.
- I will not be the employee who doesn't have to stop proving themselves.
- I will not be the person I wish I was.

People say you can change things -- your relationship status, your job situation, your social life. I'm starting to believe that's not true.

I know I've retreated from many aspects of my life, but it's easier to just not put yourself out there -- whether it be for a relationship or a friendship -- than to continually get disappointed over and over again.

A friend of mine in college once compared picking friends to real estate. If you have an ugly friend in the group, your value goes down, because guys won't want to be around you.

As shallow as that sounds, maybe they're correct.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if it's correct. I want to believe I can change my fate too...

    I'm saving this blog hoping you'll keep posting. You're a good writer. A little addicting to read.

    All the best.
